Wednesday 7 December 2016

Rotator Cuff Tear (Supraspinatus Muscle) - Private Physiotherapy Sessions (Session 2 Follow up)

Over a week had passed since my initial consultation and because I had been working hard on my rotator cuff exercises I was keen to attend my follow up appointment and check on progress.


Debbie (Physiotherapist) asked me how I was getting on with my exercises. On the whole they had been fine but I had noticed that during the Theraband exercises when I would raise the band to the front that if my shoulder was in a forward position the exercise would be fine but when I pulled my shoulder back it would hurt and the muscle would shake.

She confirmed that although it is a very subtle change in position it actually activates a different set of muscles. When the shoulder is in the back position it is using the rotator cuff (hence the struggle) and when in a more forward position it is using more pec and deltoid.

So after this quick chat she then began to work on me.

Massage - I lay face down on the treatment bed and she felt around my neck, shoulder and scapula (shoulder blade) area and could obviously feel a lot of tightness although she confirmed it wasn't as bad as when I had visited her for my initial consultation. Despite the odd bit of tenderness the massage was actually quite relaxing this time around. She then asked me to turn over onto my back so she could work on the front.

Shoulder mobilization - She did a number of mobilizations which involved moving my arm in different directions but also pressing down on the front of my shoulder and pulsing, much like you would see if someone was doing CPR.

Acupuncture - Needles were added to the front of my  shoulder this time, which was a little odd because in my initial consultation they were in back so I couldn't see them. It is quite a thing seeing 3 needles poking out of your body without you really feeling it !!.

Infrared - An infrared heater was used again to aid the healing process.

After the treatment Debbie said to continue with the exercises and she also showed me a couple more which involved sliding my shoulder blades towards my back pockets. This takes a little bit of practice but is pretty easy to carry out.

I had a NHS physio appointment the following week so I may not be returning for paid sessions but I'm glad I went in the interim so I could start the recovery process faster.