Tuesday 5 March 2019

Dan Pena Edinburgh Talk Q & A

One of the most enjoyable activities I do is checking the internet for inspirational, experienced and genuine people that want to impart some wisdom.

Dan Pena definitely ticks all of the boxes. When I first watched a clip of him I thought he was an absolute maniac, almost to direct and at times aggressive to watch. However, it didn't take long for me to realise that what he was saying was right on point.

I have watched countless clips and I will probably produce notes for all of them but I thought I would start with a Q & A he did in Edinburgh as it had some points I really wanted to capture.

The video - Edinburgh Talk Q & A


Student teaches himself how to program over a weekend and then gets job as a developer. Working 60 hours a week and 60 hours week cold calling and finding businesses. 

Sometimes you get a little success and subconsciously you say to yourself, how long can I keep doing this, has it been an accident, am I a one trick pony, what are people going to expect of me after this success. You start to question yourself and you stop pulling the trigger so it becomes a negative self fulfilling propecy

"I may be wrong but I'm never in doubt". You never hear Bill Gates, Elon Musk being in doubt. They can be wrong but they are never in doubt. When you surround yourself with people that are never in doubt and you demonstrate doubtless leadership. Success becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. 

The glass is half full, its never half empty. When you get used to pulling the trigger and taking action it becomes normal.

Sometimes you will wind up by yourself but its lonely at the top and Eagles fly alone your either going to want success and figure out whether it is worth the sacrifice. If your significant other isn't on board you cant fight a war on two fronts. You have to ascertain whether its worth it. Surround yourself with people that want success like you want success.

Most successful people

  • Work out 5 times a week - weights and cardio
  • Eat well
  • Don't drink hardly at all
  • Shut down all social media except LinkedIn
Toastmasters, Rotary and improve classes are good for learning how to speak better. Professional associations for industries. Join the clubs you can afford.

Words are important because your subconscious doesn't know you are lying. Don't say "I will give it my best shot" say " I will do it". Do affirmations and goal setting.

If you don't know what to do with your life. Try a bunch of things. You don't try things because you are afraid of failing. Afraid of the stigma. Just try and learn some lessons and then succeed.

Its not as difficult as you think it is to rub elbows with people who are high performance.

Affirmations - Are based on your goals and there is no time limit on goals. EVERY goal is as soon as humanely possible.

Business - find motivated sellers where the cashflow is higher than the debt service.

28 million apps in the world, only 25 have made any money. Do not think an app is going to make money.

Test an idea with £500-£1000. If it doesn't make money they kill it and move on.

Healthcare, Telco and now cyber security are the hot industries to make money.

Book recommendation - The common sense book of baby and childcare. Benjamin Spock

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